Riding tips

Riding Tips

Riding an electric skateboard is so natural that most of the people can learn it very fast. Even people with no experience with skateboards or any board sports can start riding in minutes and after some time of practice, it becomes easy and fun.

1. Safety
Keep in mind that the e-board is not a toy, you can call it a vehicle and every vehicle which moves you with high speed should be treated with caution and full concentration.
While riding, the helmet is a must and the protectors for the knees, the elbows, and the wrists are recommended. It is best to start on flat terrain in the park with enough space around and smooth nice asphalt.
If you have no experience in skating, it will be very helpful for your safety if you spend some time practicing the basics of skateboarding :
-Kick push – one foot is on the board and the other is pushing to generate movement and speed.
-Turn left and right – put weight on your toes or heels and tilt slightly your body to the direction you want to turn.
-Foot brake – your body is facing forward ( shoulders perpendicular to the board direction ) one foot is on the board with a bent knee and the other is rubbing the asphalt to slow you down.
These exercises will give you some feeling about riding and really improve your balance and confidence.

Please note : the e-board is not a remote-controlled toy car, it has so much power that it can move a person who weighs more than 100 kilos, so if you use it without this weight on it, it can fly like a bullet and if you pull the brake too late and the board is out of your Bluetooth range, it becomes an uncontrolled dangerous mistle. Do your best to avoid this scenario.

Riding Tips - Posture
2. Posture
Your body position riding an e-board (your posture) is very important for your balance and to feel comfortable moving fast on a board. The easiest way to explain the right posture is: you just take a surfer posture (similar to some martial art body positions) Everybody has his own posture and stance on the board, but it is similar. First, you have to choose which leg will be forward. It doesn’t matter if you choose right or left, you can learn with any leg being in front and if you want you can learn with the other leg later. ( If you doubt which leg to choose, you can imagine that you see an icy puddle on the street and want to slide it with one leg forward, then this is your leg to put leading ) Good idea is to try both stances, so you can feel with which one is more comfortable.
Your feet are usually perpendicular to the board length, the leading can be slightly facing the direction of the board movement.
Your stance – the distance between your feet should be like the wight between your shoulders.
Keeping your arms out helps your balance.
Your knees have to be slightly bent, so your leg muscles are ready to change the distribution of the weight between your two feet to keep a good posture and control your riding. Keeping your knees bent helps also to move your body up and down to absorb if there are bumps or cracks and to be ready for any changes in the terrain.

Riding Tips - Remotes
3. Remote control

There are different types of controls for the e-boards. The most used is a wireless remote control in your hand, where you have a trigger. Simply push the trigger forward and the board goes forward. Pull it backward and this is the break. You can compare the feeling of using the trigger with the feeling of pushing gas and brake pedals of a car. The sensitivity of this trigger can be different, but you need a few tries to get used to it.

3.1. Acceleration
Once you get the good posture and you make sure that the remote control is connected to the e-board, you have to very gently use the trigger, so you start to feel how much to push it forward to have comfortable speed. You should check how the brakes work when you are still moving slow. The acceleration can be strong so before you push the trigger forward you can put more weight on your leading foot, to be prepared for this power.

3.2. Brake
The brake time of reaction and its response and power to stop is different on the different e-boards and can be tricky, so you should spend the needed amount of time to figure out, how it works and to get used with its character.

Riding tips - fly the e-board
4. You are on the e-board and you are moving

When the terrain is changing, your riding has to adapt to it. When riding on flat and downhill terrain your body weight has to be equally distributed between the two legs. When accelerating you should put more weight on your leading leg in the beginning to equalize the force. When going uphill, again it helps if your weight is more on your leading leg.
It may sound not so easy, but the truth is that our body very quickly learns the comfortable position on the board and is ready for the joy ride : )